About mediation

Mediation helps people involved in conflict or a dispute to reach an agreement acceptable to both sides.

Situations where mediation can help:

  • Disputes at divorce cases
  • Where neighbours are causing a disturbance or a nuisance;
  • Where property has been damaged
  • Where your property or privacy is invaded
  • Conflict with families
  • Group disputes
  • Conflict at work

There are six steps to the Mediation process:

  • Joint meeting with the parties;
  • Ground rules agreed;
  • Both sides of the story told;
  • Issues identified;
  • Solution come to by the parties;
  • Agreement written and signed.

2025-09-01 2 

Victoria Portere

certified mediator,
certified psychologist, coach
Phone. +371 29221053

Constructivism in Mediation. Autori Portere, V., Morevs, V., Enviroment. Education. Personality, 13, 258-265, 2020. https://llufb.llu.lv/conference 


Conflict management models in the context of constructivism in mediation. Autori Portere,V. & Briede, BIn research for rural development, 146.-151., 2019. https:llufb.llu.lv

Importance of dialogue nature in the mediator’s competence. Autori Portere,V. & Briede, B. Enviroment. Education. Personality, 12, 146-151., 2020www2.llu.lv/research_conf 


Dialogue is a sign of constructiveness in mediation. Autori Portere,V., & Morevs, V. In research for rural development, 296-302., 2020. www2.llu.lv/research_conf